Home House Publishing | South Carolina and Barbados Connections

South Carolina and Barbados Connections: Selections from the South Carolina Historical Magazine



Introduction by Stephen G. Hoffius

ISBN: 978-0-9845580-3-2
6×9, 104 pages, paper

South Carolina and Barbados Connections: Selections from the South Carolina Historical Magazine is a collection of journal articles on the ties (16th-20th century) between the island of Barbados and South Carolina.  It is relevant for coastal communities (Myrtle Beach, Georgetown, Mt. Pleasant, Charleston, Bluffton and Beaufort) and academic centers (Columbia, Clemson and Charleston) and is uniquely available in a single volume. Travelers planning vacations to Barbados have bought many copies of this book; Charleston bookstores and gift shops have reordered it repeatedly.

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“This is a wonderful introduction to many of the historical connections between Barbados and South Carolina. It will be of great benefit to anyone interested in researching those links, or just planning a vacation.”

~ Rhoda Green, Barbados honorary consul to South Carolina

“This is a must-read collection of articles for any scholar, journalist, or traveler who wants to explore the fascinating details of the historical and cultural ties of the Carolina-Barbados connection.”

~ Herb Frazier, author of “Behind God’s Back”: Gullah Memories, Cainhoy, Wando, Huger, Daniel Island, St. Thomas Island, South Carolina